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in·causa /in'kouza/ | Latin | 1. "In the cause of"

Incausa is a for-profit company with social impact at its core. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Incausa describes what they do as 'a study to find meaningfulness in profit; for mindful growth: personal, community and society.'

The beginning of the process sees the creation of a product line centred around ritual and meditation practice and inspired by ancient traditions that are pure in essence, materials and simplicity. Having come across this brand during lockdown, I was immediately drawn to their ethos but also the consideration of the collection and feeling of time and thought wrapped up in each object.

With their Indigenous pro-bono mission, Incausa transforms their customers into benefactors, which allows them to grow truly sustainable giving efforts rather than depending on fundraising for support.

This model has enabled the economic autonomy to be in the hands of the indigenous artisans whilst creating thousands of customer-philanthropists along the way. Indigenous ethnicities include The Xavante, Yanomami, Mehinako, Yawalapiti, Kraho, Cinta Larga and Kaiapo. 

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in·causa /in'kouza/ | Latin | 1. "In the cause of"

Incausa is a for-profit company with social impact at its core. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Incausa describes what they do as 'a study to find meaningfulness in profit; for mindful growth: personal, community and society.'

The beginning of the process sees the creation of a product line centred around ritual and meditation practice and inspired by ancient traditions that are pure in essence, materials and simplicity. Having come across this brand during lockdown, I was immediately drawn to their ethos but also the consideration of the collection and feeling of time and thought wrapped up in each object.

With their Indigenous pro-bono mission, Incausa transforms their customers into benefactors, which allows them to grow truly sustainable giving efforts rather than depending on fundraising for support.

This model has enabled the economic autonomy to be in the hands of the indigenous artisans whilst creating thousands of customer-philanthropists along the way. Indigenous ethnicities include The Xavante, Yanomami, Mehinako, Yawalapiti, Kraho, Cinta Larga and Kaiapo. 

Further Reading

Episode 16, Leo Walton

November 07, 2024
When I was introduced to the Amateurism Collective in 2020, Leo Walton’s records were a happy distraction from the is...
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Episode 15, Tom Morris

November 07, 2024
My guest this week is the Interior Designer, Tom Morris. There are so many reason I loved this episode. Firstly becau...
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Episode 14, Bill Amberg

October 30, 2024
Bill Amberg is a name synonymous with quality, innovative design and a considered aesthetic. With a career spanning f...
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